Safeguarding for visitors and volunteers

We welcome visitors and volunteers to our school, we are committed to the safeguarding of all our pupils and all staff, visitors and volunteers have a shared responsibility for this.

In line with statutory guidelines, we do have strict procedures in school to ensure the safety of our pupils and we ask that you please adhere to these.

Ahead of your visit, please read and familiarise yourself with our Visitor leaflet

On Arrival

  • You will be required to sign in via our electronic system.

  • Depending on the reason for your visit and the safeguarding checks the office team are able to carry out, you will either be provided with a green lanyard or a red lanyard. You must wear this at all times whilst in school.

  • When you leave school, you must report to the school office and sign out on the electronic system so we know that you’re no longer in the building. You must return your lanyard to the office staff and exit via the main doors.

In the interest of safeguarding, we ask you to ensure to adhere to the following instructions:

  • Switch off your mobile phone / device and store in your bag or pocket.
  • If you do need to use your mobile phone or camera enabled device, please speak with a member of school staff before doing so.
  • Do not take pictures, videos or sound recordings of any pupils unless you have sought permission from the Headteacher.
  • If you are working with a child, please ensure the class teacher is aware of this, where you are working and approximately how long for.
  • If you are working with a child, please do so in a space that is open, have an open door or be visible by others through a window.
  • If you have a concern about a child please pass this on to the child’s class teacher, who will then follow our safeguarding procedures. If they are not available, please speak to either our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Alice Corlett or our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) Evonne Williams (Early Years), Alison Brien (Year 1,2 and 3) or Sonia Peacock (Year 4,5 and 6)
  • If you have a concern about another adult in school, please ask to speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Officers.
  • Always share concerns with school staff, no matter how small they may appear, and don’t keep them to yourself
  • If a child says something to you that you think could be a safeguarding concern, act as above, and if possible write down what was said immediately. Listen to the child, do not question them or promise them that it will remain confidential between the two of you.