Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Barlow Hall Primary School is a community where everyone is given the opportunity to enjoy learning and achieve their full potential in an emotionally supportive, respectful and inclusive environment. We believe that every child should have access to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. This should take account of their individual learning and emotional needs and should allow each child to fulfil their potential.

You can download our Special Educational Needs policy and our local offer. The language used when talking about Special Educational Needs and Disability can be confusing if you are not used to it.

Information about the Manchester City Council Local Offer and what services you and your family can expect from a range of local agencies – including your statutory entitlements can be found here.

Home learning

On this page, Mrs Rees, our SENDCo, will be adding items for those who may want some additional support for their children with Special Educational Needs, for example Speech and Language or motor skills activities. We want to ensure that the children are supported as best as possible.

Each tab will have different areas identified with different activities to download.

The Social, Emotional and Mental Health tab may also be useful for children who are finding the lockdown difficult and are anxious.

Please feel free to email school on admin@barlowhallprimary.co.uk if you feel something could be added that would be beneficial.

Also, check out these fab ideas: