Before and after school provision

At Barlow Hall we have a Breakfast Club which is run by Debbie Jackson and Les Murray, our school’s Learning Mentors. Breakfast Club starts at 8am until school starts at 8:45 am. Breakfast is provided. Children should be booked into Breakfast Club using the Clubs section of School Gateway App. The charge is £3 which can be paid at the time of booking the slot or via the payments section of the School Gateway App.

After School Club is staffed by teaching assistants from each phase in school, it starts at the end of school and runs to 5pm. Children must be booked into After School Club using the School Gateway App by 2 pm on the day. Unwanted bookings must be cancelled by 2 pm on the day. The cost of the After School club is £5 per session or part thereof which should be paid via the School Gateway App..

We also run a number of sporting and activity clubs both at lunchtime and after school. Clubs run by school staff are free whilst those provided by external companies cost between £3.50 and £4 per session.

An up-to-date list of all our activity or recreational clubs can be found by clicking on the our ‘Clubs’ link on the main menu or by clicking here.