Year 5


  • Sonia Peacock – Assistant Head for Years 4, 5 and 6
  • Kiran Samrai – Class Teacher
  • Tillie Muca – SEN TA
  • Sam Barber – SEN TA

Curriculum overview – Autumn 2


Our whole school topic this half term is Our Home.

In Year 5, we will be focusing on UK counties and cities.

See the Topic intended knowledge map for further details.


We will continue to complete our work in English through a chosen text.

This half term, we will read the text ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’ by Philippa Pearce. Using this story, we will complete short writing activities, comprehension, grammar activities and complete longer pieces of writing using a plan, write, edit sequence of lessons.

Guided Reading will continue every day for all the children.

Handwriting lessons and spelling lessons will continue throughout each week.


This half term we will be converting units of measure and calculating perimeter and area of composite shapes before completing a unit of work based around fractions which will involve looking at equivalent fractions, fractions which make a whole and converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa.


Year 5 will be continuing to work on the Science unit ‘Materials and their Properties’ this half term. We will be looking at how different materials can be dissolved and mixed together and different methods of separation. We will discover how some changes are reversible while others are irreversible.

There will be lots of investigations, experiments and enquiries to complete!

Other Curriculum Areas

RE – Looking at the key question: ‘What matters most to Christians and to Humanists?’

DT – Electrical Systems-Doodlers Design

Music – Ukeleles

PE – Outdoor Games

PSHCE – Mental and Emotional Health and Healthy Lifestyles

Computing – Video Editing

French – ‘In Class’-looking at schools

Important Dates

Wednesday 6th and 13th November- Progress Meetings

Friday 8th November – Remembrance assembly

w/c 11th November – Anti Bullying Week

Friday 15th November – Children in Need

w/c 18th November – Autumn Assessment Week

Monday 16th December – UKS2 Xmas Production

Friday 20th December 2024 – Carols by Candlelight/end of Autumn Term (early finish –2:00 pm)

Empowering learning skills

Self manager

  • Organise themselves and work out goals and priorities
  • Show personal responsibility, initiative, creativity and enterprise
  • Anticipate, take and manage risks
  • Commit themselves to learning and self-improvement
  • Respond positively to change 

Effective participator

  • Engage actively with issues that affect them and those around them.
  • Play a full part in the life of the school
  • Take responsible action to bring improvement for others as well as themselves
  • Discuss issues of concern, seeking resolution
  • Present a persuasive case for action
  • Propose practical ways forward
  • Try to influence others, negotiating and balancing diverse views

Resourceful thinker

  • Think creatively by generating and exploring relevant ideas, and making original connections
  • Find links and see relationships
  • Explore & experiment with resources and materials
  • Ask ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘what if’ questions
  • Apply imaginative thinking to solve a problem
  • Try different ways to tackle a problem
  • Work with others to find imaginative solutions and outcomes that are of value

Reflective learner

  • Evaluate their strengths and limitations as learners
  • Review their work and act on outcomes
  • Set themselves realistic goals and criteria for success
  • Monitor their own performance and progress
  • Invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks & criticism.
  • Make changes to improve their learning
  • Communicate their learning in relevant ways to different audiences

Independent enquirer

  • Gather, process and evaluate information in their investigations
  • Plan what to do and how to go about it
  • Draw conclusions and evaluate outcomes
  • Take informed and well-reasoned decisions, recognising that other have different beliefs and attitudes
  • Use range of techniques to collect and organise information

Team worker

  • Work confidently with others, adapting to different contexts and taking responsibility for their own role
  • Listen and take account of others’ views
  • Form collaborative relationships, resolving issues and reaching agreed outcomes
  • Adapt behaviours to suit different roles and situations
  • Show fairness and consideration towards others