Article 29 (goals of education) – UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
‘Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment’
Our school is a Rights Respecting School working towards the Gold Award.
We are committed to supporting all our children. Ofsted rated our behaviour and safety as outstanding and stated that ‘Barlow Hall is a caring and nurturing school’ OFSTED January 2020.
- An enriched curriculum with specialist staff to support the children’s talents. This includes an Artist in Residence, sports coaches, music teachers, a literacy specialist teacher and a maths specialist teacher.
- A school based Inclusion team, led by the Head of School. The team ensures that school-wide support is meeting the needs of our children and families. It focuses on areas such as: Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Early Help, Child Protection, attendance and punctuality, family support and identifying ways to remove barriers to learning.
- Children are encouraged to eat healthily and take part in a range of activities led by Sports Coaches, Lunchtime Organisers and Teaching Assistants. All issues are dealt with quickly and effectively by the Inclusion Team.
- Our ‘Young Leader’ programme which supports Year 6 to develop leadership skills. The programme includes training in: peer mentoring, using restorative approaches to solve issues in the playground, reading support and designing fun activities to encourage participation at lunchtime.
- Our School Council which gives every child the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. (Article 12)
- A range of interventions run by staff to support learning. For example: Reading Recovery, Every Child a Counter, First Class@ Number, Speech and Language Therapy programmes, Occupational therapy. and interventions to develop emotional well-being, manage emotions and build self-confidence.
- A consistent school- wide restorative approach to behaviour.
- A variety of trips and visitors into school to enhance our curriculum.
- A language-rich environment, where learning is supported and celebrated.
- Children with English as an additional language (EAL) are well supported by specialist staff and attain highly. The staff at Barlow Hall are experienced in supporting children with EAL and we have a well established transition programme to support children new to the country and new to English. Our children welcome children new to school.
- Barlow Hall actively supports the principle of full participation of all pupils in the curriculum. We have specialist staff and resources, such as the Reading Centre, Therapeutic Centre and Communication Centre to support children with a range of needs. We have a fully implemented Equality Policy and Accessibility Plan that enables us to implement arrangements to support children and families.
- We commission specialists to support the children and families at Barlow Hall. This includes, educational psychologists, speech and language therapists and development workers, occupational therapists, school nurses and other health professionals.
- We are a ‘Place2Be’ School. Place2Be is a mental health charity providing children’s programmes to support their health and mental well-being.
- We work in partnership with other children’s services such as family intervention services, child and adult mental health services and other aspects of Children’s Social Care. Our School Pastoral Support Adviser works to support children and their families ensuring that we work in partnership for the best outcomes for children.