Admissions & Transfers

How do I get my child into a Link Learning Trust School?

Admission Procedures for Barlow Bears (2 year old provision at Barlow Hall)

Barlow Bears is a two-year provision at Barlow Hall Primary School.

Children can apply for places during the term in which they are two.

Admission is each September with in-year admissions available if there are vacancies.  

Free places are available for 2 year olds who are eligible for 15 hours free funding (please see the Childcare Choices website to check your eligibility).

For those children who are not eligible for the free 2 year old funding, the cost for children to attend the provision is £95 per week until the term after your child is 3.

Sessions can either be part time or full time. Sessions run from  8.45 -11.45am or 12 to 3pm.

Full time places are 8.45am to 3pm.

Please contact the school office:
0161 881 2158

Evonne Williams, Assistant Head and Locality Lead for Early Years at Barlow Hall will manage the admission process for Barlow Bears.

Admission procedures for Nursery aged children

We aim to provide full time nursery places for children who are aged three from September 1st to August 31st of the previous academic year. We aim to have all our children admitted to nursery by the end of September.

Occasionally older children, those born between September and December, can be offered a place at nursery a term before they are due to start and therefore complete four terms in nursery.

Parents and Carers should contact individual trust schools if they wish to place their child’s name on our nursery waiting list. Admission to nursery is based on age.  All trust schools aim to provide full time nursery places.

Putting your child’s name on the waiting list earlier does not mean they will get into the nursery earlier. Children’s names need to be on the nursery waiting list by the end of the Easter holidays, the term before they are due to start in nursery. Parents and Carers will be notified of a place before May half term holiday.

Once accepted for our nursery a home school transition programme will be organised for your child. This is run by the nursery team.

Admission for Reception aged children

Manchester local authority is responsible for admission of all reception places, including children who are already in our nursery. The local authority forms must be completed by parents and sent in the envelope provided to the local authority by the nominated date in December the year before your child is due to start reception. A late application could result in your child not getting a place at the school of their choice. Parents who have a nursery place at a Trust School do not automatically get a place in reception at that school.

Admission for all other year groups

Contact should be made with Manchester City Council Admissions Team on 0161 245 7166. The City Council will then notify school and children’s names will be added to the school’s waiting list. If places are available, the Council will notify parents who will then need to contact the school to complete admissions forms and make an appointment to meet with the Headteacher.

Secondary School Applications

The Secondary 2024 application round has opened to Manchester City Council residents. This is for children whose date of birth falls between 01/09/2012 – 31/08/2013.

Parents can make an online application through the portal on the Council’s website: Please see attached for guidance on how to set this up.

​In line with the School Admissions Code, parents must apply through their home local authority. Anyone who resides in another local authority, will be contacted by them directly to inform them of when and how to apply.

Other LAs may have a different opening date to Manchester.

You may apply for any school you wish, but you must list all the schools you intend to apply for on your home Local Authority Application. Parents are also encouraged to read school’s admission policies first before applying. Some schools require a supplementary form to be completed in addition to their main application. For state Grammar schools (e.g. Sale Grammar, Stretford Grammar, St Ambrose College etc) parents need to list the school on the application form, but they must also contact the school to enrol their child for the 11+ entrance exam.

The closing date for applications has now passed. Any new applications will be processed after Friday 1 March, 2024.

National Offer Day will be 1 March 2024 for on-time applicants.

Students with an EHCP – These children will be sent information separately by the SEN Team and how to apply. Any parent needing assistance from this service can email:

Attached is a copy of the paper application form in case you are unable to apply online. Parents can also request a form through the Contact Centre 0161 245 7166

Admission criteria

In the event that places are oversubscribed the following criteria will be used to allocate places:

  1. Looked After Children.
  2. Siblings
  3. Distance from School


If your child is not allocated a place at a Trust school and you wish to appeal the decision you will need to contact Manchester City Council. For more information about the appealing a decision, or to find out more about applying for a school place, please use this link to the Manchester City Council website

For more information about our school, please see the information leaflets below and take a look around our website.