Resource Provision

Welcome to the Communication Centre!

Barlow Hall Primary school has a specialist resource provision for children with a diagnosis or Autism (ASC) or Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). It is known within school as the ‘Communication Centre’. The aim of the Communication Centre is to enable the children within it to access the mainstream teaching through inclusive specialist practice.

The Communication Centre sits within the mainstream school and offers a quieter environment for the children within it. There are 7 spaces within the provision and a high adult to child ratio. Staff within the Communication Centre have all completed specific training to support the children’s needs. The children have access to Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy. There is a multi agency approach in meeting the children’s social communication, learning and sensory needs.

How can my child get a place in the Communication Centre?

Admissions to all Resourced Provisions are decided by Manchester City Council in consultation with the setting.

As part of the assessment process for an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP), discussions will take place between parents, schools, educational psychologists and the Statutory Assessment Team regarding provision.

For pupils with an EHCP, this provision is discussed as part of the annual review process. A review can be held at any time where there is a significant change in circumstances.

During the application process, parents should specify a preference of Barlow Hall Resource Provision as specifying just Barlow Hall would be a mainstream school place.