Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. This body reports directly to Parliament and they are independent and impartial. One of the duties of Ofsted is to inspect schools. Inspections are usually once every four years and schools are telephoned the day before an inspection takes place. Barlow Hall’s last inspection was a Section 8 inspection in January 2020.
The inspection lasts no longer than two days. Inspectors look at the school’s self-evaluation, consider the school’s performance results, and examine the previous inspection report to prepare before the visit.
Once they are in the school, the inspectors visit lessons and examine the way lessons are planned, and speak to staff and children, among other things. A Section 8 inspection is a ‘health check’ for good schools and is not a full Section 5 inspection.
The key findings of this inspection validated our 2012 inspection as a ‘good’ school with outstanding behaviour and leadership & management.
Please click on the download link below to access our full inspection report or Click here.
Performance Data
There are several national attainment measures that take place across the primary ages:
- At the end of the reception year, where children achieve a good level of development (GLD)
- At the end of Year 1, where children are tested on their phonics (early reading).
- At the end of Year 4, where children have a multiplication tables check.
- At the end of primary school, in Year 6, where children take standardised assessment tests, (SATs) in reading, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as a teacher assessment in writing.
School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.
School performance data should also be considered alongside a range of other information about the school, which could include looking at school websites, reading Ofsted reports, and speaking to the school directly. Conclusions should not be drawn on a single piece of data alone.
Barlow Hall Primary School Performance data (2024)
The 2023 DfE Performance Tables show:
- results from the key stage 2 test in:
- reading
- grammar punctuation and spelling
- mathematics
- key stage 2 teacher assessment results in writing
- key stage 1 to 2 pupil progress measures in:
- reading
- writing
- mathematics
Additional school-level data includes:
- pupil absence
- pupil population
- school workforce
- school finance
Please see below for Barlow Hall’s Performance Data for 2023
Please click below to see the DfE Performance Tables for all Primary Schools in England 2023
DfE Primary Performance Tables 2023
The following link may help parents to understand the assessment process in primary schools:
Information for parents for KS1 and KS2 SATs.